Prof. J. William McEvoy
NIPC Medical and Research Director, Chair of Executive Council
Dear Alliance Members, welcome to the June 2023 NIPC eBulletin. I am thrilled to announce that registration is now open for the 16th West of Ireland Integrated Diabetes Care Conference. There is a fantastic lineup of national and international speakers and I am looking forward to hearing their insightful words.
An exciting agenda will be announced shortly but for now I urge you to register today and secure your place at the only conference in the west dedicated to integrated diabetes care.
Applications (and nominations) are now welcomed for the NIPC Fellowship Join a vibrant community of healthcare professionals and take your career to new heights but be sure to get your applications in before the deadline of August 31st.
I hope our alliance members have holidays booked and get some much-needed time off work to recharge. Now is the time to look at course enrolments and NIPC, in partnership with the University of Galway, run a unique portfolio of postgraduate programmes in Preventive Medicine and Cardiovascular Health. These courses are delivered using a blended-approach, allowing you to work around existing clinical practices.
NIPC are constantly adding courses and have just announced another Cardiac Rehabilitation in Ireland course, beginning 29th September and Delivering Evidence-based Obesity Management, beginning 4th October. This is addition to Demystifying the ECG and Motivational Interviewing courses that have already been confirmed for later in the year.
Many thanks,
This post is an extract from the monthly NIPC Alliance e-Bulletin.
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