Saturday 22nd March 2025


Demystifying the ECG

Saturday 22nd March 2025, 9:00am – 1:00pm

This course addresses the needs of primary care nurses and doctors, hospital-based nurses, private and public, paramedics and other allied health professionals who encounter ECG monitoring and traces. It aims to be as interactive as possible, with participants encouraged to bring along ECGs for discussion. The course assumes no knowledge of ECG and is an excellent foundation course in ECG and rhythm recognition.

Course content includes:

  • Ventricular arrhythmias such as ventricular tachycardiac
  • Atrial arrhythmias such as atrial fibrilation
  • Ischaemia and acute myocardial infarction
  • SVTs

This is a virtual ECG workshop, where participants will partake in all aspects of the workshop online.

Course Format:

  • Online Learning: (Approx. 4 hours) which can be carried out in your own time in the 2 weeks prior to the workshop.
  • Online Interactive workshops: A half day of real-time sessions.

Wednesday 26th March 2005, 15:30 - 16:30


Mastering Skills in Arterial and Capillary Blood Sampling in Adults: Essential Skills for Healthcare Professionals

Wednesday 26th March 2005, 15:30 – 16:30

NIPC are delighted to announce that we are now accepting bookings for our new course Mastering Skills in Arterial and Capillary Blood Sampling in Adults: Essential Skills for Healthcare Professionals’. This specially designed education and training programme aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills to undertake radial artery and capillary blood gas sampling and interpretation. There will be a specific focus on the patient with respiratory disease. 

This course comprises of 7 short self-paced online modules followed by a 1-hour live practical session with course facilitator Peter O’Toole, Respiratory Advanced Nurse Practitioner. There is a post course online assessment, upon successful completion participants are awarded NIPC certification and CPD points.

Topics include:

  • Expert Lead Case Scenarios
  • Pulse Oximetry
  • Understanding Blood Gases
  • Arterial Blood Sampling
  • Capillary Blood Gas Sampling
  • Oxygen Assessment, A Guide

Upcoming Courses

Delivering Evidence-Based Obesity Management Advanced Practice Course

The NIPC are delighted to offer this free, online training and education programme, designed to equip healthcare professionals in Ireland with the core knowledge, skills and competences to deliver evidence-based obesity management.

Applications are welcome from current healthcare professionals practicing in Ireland working within Chronic Disease Hubs or in the area of chronic disease management within primary care.

Delivering Evidence-Based Physical Activity Behaviour Change in Primary Care and Community Settings

The NIPC, in partnership with HSE Health and Wellbeing, are delighted to offer this free, online training and education programme, designed to equip healthcare professionals in Ireland with the core knowledge, skills and competences to deliver, understand and support patients to undertake physical activity. The development and delivery of this course is funded by HSE Health and Wellbeing.

Chronic Kidney Disease and CVD

Chronic Kidney Disease and CVD: What Every Practitioner Should Know

The NIPC are delighted to offer this free online training and education programme, designed for healthcare professionals in Ireland. The course aims to raise awareness of how to prevent, recognise and manage people at risk of or living with CKD. A strong focus in this course is the wider considerations in the prevention and management of CKD given the shared risk factors with atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases (ASCVD) more widely and integrated management approaches required.

Advances in Heart failure prevention and management

Advances in Heart Failure Prevention and Management: What Every Practitioner Should Know

The NIPC are delighted to offer this free, 3-month online training and education programme, designed to equip healthcare professionals with the skills and knowledge in the diagnosis, treatment and management of people with chronic heart failure. The course fosters a multidisciplinary approach to optimising patient outcomes and recognises multimorbidity and tailored needs at different stages of heart failure. This course is for health practitioners working in Ireland who participate in the delivery and management of care for people with chronic heart failure, their families and carers.

Cardiometabolic Course

An Integrated Approach to Cardiometabolic Chronic Disease

The NIPC are delighted to offer this free, online training and education programme, designed for healthcare professionals. The course aims to further participants’ understanding of how to provide an integrated approach to managing patients with cardiometabolic based chronic disease and will cover the latest evidence in terms of behavioural approaches, pharmacotherapy, bariatric surgery, multidisciplinary team working and the optimal patient pathway.

Terms & Conditions

Please see our terms & conditions for short course and conference bookings below:


  • Full pre-payment is required at booking.
  • Cancellations up to 10 working days in advance of the course date will incur a 25% administration charge.
  • Cancellations thereafter or non-attendance is non-refundable and non-transferable