We were delighted to host the second edition of the 2021 NIPC Series on March 25th. We were joined by a fantastic line-up of speakers who discussed and explored The Interface Between Cardiovascular Disease and Mental Health.
Agenda Included:
Living Well With Cardiovascular Disease: Insights, Tips and Tools for Health Service Providers
Prof Jim Lucey
St. Patrick’s University Hospital, Dublin and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry TCD
The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 on CVD Management: What To Know, What To Do
Prof Michael Vallis
Health Psychologist, Health Behaviour Change Consultant and Associate Professor in Family Medicine at Dalhousie University, Canada
Reducing the Mortality Gap: Delivering
“Joined-Up” Mental and Cardiac Healthcare
Mental Health Services,
Mental Health Commission
The Psychological Impact of a Cardiac Event
Head of Psychology
Department & Principal Psychologist, TUH
The session was chaired by Prof Andrew Murphy, GP, Professor of General Practice, NUI, Galway.
Key Points:
- Prof. Jim Lucey gave his insights, tips and tools on how to live well with CVD. Jim’s take takeaway message was that you must take care of your mind, in order to have a healthy heart.
- Prof. Michael Vallis discussed the psychological impact of Covid-19 on CVD management. Michael explained how you can best manage stress in the age of the pandemic.
- Dr Susan Finnerty gave her approach on how to reduce the mortality gap and deliver “Joined-Up” mental and cardiac healthcare. Susan explained the need for prevention programmes that promote healthy lifestyles, and the need for support and tailoring of these programmes.
- Dr. Veronica O’Doherty discussed the psychological impact of a cardiac event. Veronica explained the importance of psychological interventions in cardiac rehabilitation.
Did you know that patients with severe mental illness, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder, have 53% higher chance of cardiovascular disease? Depression can also be as big a risk factor for coronary heart disease as smoking, high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. If you missed the last NIPC Series: Exploring the Interface Between Cardiovascular Disease and Mental Health, you can now catch the recorded session on-demand now.
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