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Prof. J. William McEvoy – US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health
In 2024, the European Society of Cardiology released a new guideline for the management of elevated blood pressure (BP) and hypertension. The guideline introduced a new BP categorization: (1) nonelevated (office BP <120/70 mm Hg) for which drug treatment is not recommended, (2) elevated (120-139/70-89 mm Hg) for which drug treatment is recommended based on cardiovascular disease risk and follow-up BP level, and (3) hypertension (≥140/90 mm Hg) for which prompt confirmation and drug treatment are...
Genome-wide association studies have revealed hundreds of genetic variants associated with cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Polygenic risk scores (PRS) can capture this information in a single metric and hold promise for use in CVD risk prediction. Importantly, PRS information can reflect the causally mediated risk to which the individual is exposed throughout life. Although European Society of Cardiology guidelines do not currently advocate their use in routine clinical practice, PRS are...
While digital cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is an effective alternative to center-based CR, its components and mechanisms of change remain poorly understood. The Multiphase Optimization Strategy (MOST) provides a framework that allows the effects of individual components of complex interventions to be studied. There is limited guidance within MOST on how to develop a conceptual model. This article describes the development of a conceptual model of digital CR. The conceptual model was developed...
CONCLUSIONS: The MIAMI intervention was considered largely acceptable and feasible. Some changes to both intervention components and trial processes are required but with these in place a definitive RCT could be considered worthwhile.
CONCLUSIONS: Combining behavior change theory with a person-based, co-design approach facilitated the development of a DHI for the secondary prevention of CVD that optimized responsiveness to end users' needs and preferences, thereby potentially improving future engagement.
CONCLUSION: The study findings suggest that factors influencing implementation of digital CR operate at multiple levels. Therefore, multi-level implementation strategies are required if the true potential of digital health in improving equitable cardiac rehabilitation access, participation and patient outcomes is to be realised.
Climate change is a public health crisis predominantly due to fossil fuel combustion, that challenges planetary and human health. Considerable evidence exists to demonstrate the impact climate change has on cardiovascular disease primarily through air pollution, and non-optimal temperature. Conversely, healthcare systems themselves contribute substantially to climate change. Many clinicians personally report a sense of responsibility to reduce the detrimental impact of parts of our healthcare...
CONCLUSION: In a large cohort of individuals with CAC = 0, the rate for incident stroke was low (2.0 per 1000-person years) and was associated with modifiable risk factors.
CONCLUSIONS: This IPD analysis of three large RCTs found blood pressure reductions with semaglutide in participants with hypertension that were similar to those seen in all trial participants. This finding may in part be due to concurrent reductions to anti-hypertensive medications. These results suggest that semaglutide is a useful adjunctive treatment for patients with hypertension and obesity.
CONCLUSIONS: The SCORE2 Asia-Pacific algorithms have been calibrated to estimate 10-year risk of CVD for apparently healthy people in Asia and Oceania, thereby enhancing the identification of individuals at higher risk of developing CVD across the Asia-Pacific region.
CONCLUSIONS: INTERASPIRE demonstrates inadequate and heterogeneous international implementation of guideline standards for secondary prevention in the first year after CHD hospitalization, with geographic and sex disparity. Investment aimed at reducing between-country and between-individual variability in secondary prevention will promote equity in global efforts to reduce the burden of CHD.
The global prevalence of obesity has more than doubled over the past four decades, currently affecting more than a billion individuals. Beyond its recognition as a high-risk condition that is causally linked to many chronic illnesses, obesity has been declared a disease per se that results in impaired quality of life and reduced life expectancy. Notably, two-thirds of obesity-related excess mortality is attributable to cardiovascular disease. Despite the increasingly appreciated link between...
CONCLUSION: Estimating uncertainty surrounding individual CVD risk predictions using Bayesian methods is feasible. The uncertainty regarding individual risk predictions could have several applications in clinical practice, like the comparison of different treatment options or by calculating the probability of the individual risk being below a certain treatment threshold. However, as the individual uncertainty measures only reflect sampling error and no biases in risk prediction, physicians...
When the consultation is predominantly verbal, existing research in clinician-patient communication indicates that many patients struggle to understand and recall medical consultations or may not understand the extent of their illness or the purpose of their treatment plan. When the clinician-patient discussion centers around the risk of a repeated cardiovascular disease (CVD) related event, qualitatively assessing what factors affect the communication of this risk may guide the creation of...
CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with CCS and unstable angina, PPMIs defined by SCAI occurred more frequently when using cTnI as opposed to cTnT, whereas the type of troponin had no impact on the incidence of PPMIs according to the ARC-2 and 4UDMI.
Background: Hypertension is one of the most important risk factors for stroke and heart disease. Recent international guidelines have stated that 'poor adherence to treatment - in addition to physician inertia - is the most important cause of poor blood pressure control'. The MaxImising Adherence, Minimising Inertia (MIAMI) intervention, which has been developed using a systematic, theoretical, user-centred approach, aims to support general practitioners (GPs) and people with hypertension to...
CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac biomarkers may be more selective for informing risk-based treatment decisions in stage 1 hypertension, particularly among adults aged ≥65 years.
BACKGROUND: Digital health interventions (DHIs) are increasingly used for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The aim of this study is to determine the feasibility of "INTERCEPT", a co-designed DHI developed to improve secondary prevention in hospitalised coronary heart disease patients (CHD).
BACKGROUND: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is the obstruction or narrowing of the large arteries of the lower limbs, which can result in impaired oxygen supply to the muscle and other tissues during exercise, or even at rest in more severe cases. PAD is classified into five categories (Fontaine classification). It may be asymptomatic or various levels of claudication pain may be present; at a later stage, there may be ulceration or gangrene of the limb, with amputation occasionally being...
CONCLUSIONS: CAC ≥100 is frequent among individuals with prediabetes and identifies a high ASCVD risk subgroup in which the adjusted ASCVD risk is similar to that in individuals with diabetes.
CONCLUSION: Non-adherence to long-term aspirin was associated with increased risk of MI, stroke, or death, but not in women or individuals >65 years. The risk decreased from 4 years after MI with near statistical significance.
CONCLUSION: In US adults with a history of CVD, we found modest correlations between 4 hs-cTn assays. All assays were associated with all-cause and CVD mortality. The hs-cTnT assay was associated with mortality independent of the hs-cTnI assays. Hs-cTnI assays also appeared to be independent of each other. Thus, hs-cTn assays may provide distinct information for residual risk in secondary prevention adults.
CONCLUSIONS: TAVR procedural volume declined substantially during the first and second waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in Africa, Central-South America, and Asia. National socioeconomic status, COVID-19 incidence, and public health responses were associated with treatment delays. This information should inform public health policy in case of future global health crises.
Document Reviewers: Rudolf A. de Boer (CPG Review Co-ordinator) (Netherlands), P. Christian Schulze (CPG Review Co-ordinator) (Germany), Elena Arbelo (Spain), Jozef Bartunek (Belgium), Johann Bauersachs (Germany), Michael A. Borger (Germany), Sergio Buccheri (Sweden), Elisabetta Cerbai (Italy), Erwan Donal (France), Frank Edelmann (Germany), Gloria Färber (Germany), Bettina Heidecker (Germany), Borja Ibanez (Spain), Stefan James (Sweden), Lars Køber (Denmark), Konstantinos C. Koskinas...
CONCLUSIONS: While we could not formally validate the cuffless devices, our results show that wearable technologies will require improvements to offer reliable BP assessment. This study also highlights the need for validation protocols specifically designed for cuffless BP measurement technologies.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Given the adverse effects of excess dietary sodium chloride (also known as table salt) on blood pressure (BP) and cardiovascular disease (CVD), restriction of dietary sodium is recommended by numerous guidelines. The strictest of these recommend no more than 1.5 g/day of dietary sodium among hypertensive persons. However, average dietary sodium intake in the population is closer to 5 g/day and there is debate about whether too much sodium restriction may be associated with...
CONCLUSION: There is significant cost associated with providing specialized hypertension care for patients with apparent treatment-resistant hypertension. Given the high rates of nonadherence in this population, it is likely that some of this cost could be avoided with better detection and management of medication adherence in this challenging population. Future studies should consider the cost-effectiveness of this or similar models of care by exploring the benefit to patients and the wider...
Hypertension remains the leading international risk factor for cardiovascular disease and premature death but, despite effective treatments, hypertension remains significantly underdiagnosed and undertreated. In the present review paper, we provide a selected update on recent developments of interest in the management of hypertension. We focus on summarizing four topics that we believe are worth highlighting to a clinical audience: (1) the evidence and strong motivation for new lower systolic BP...
CONCLUSIONS: Participants reported that digital CR guided them towards recovery and improved their sense of empowerment and control. However, the limited opportunities for social interaction may represent a challenge for patients seeking social support.
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