Dear NIPC alliance members, welcome to this month’s e-bulletin! For those of you who did not have a chance to attend the live meeting, I’m delighted to share the link to the speaker presentations from our recent 2021 NIPC National Prevention Conference.
This year’s event was a huge success, with over 1300 registrants and a great line up of international speakers. As usual, Dr. Jenni Jones and team created an outstanding educational experience. I am so pleased to see this annual meeting go from strength to strength and become more and more internationally recognised.
In other news, we also presented (in abstract form) the outcomes results of our Ireland Aspire follow-up study at the recent NIPC meeting and are now preparing a publication. For those interested, the presentation is recorded and was expertly chaired by Prof J Crowley. Please stay tuned to see how these important data can inform new developments in CVD prevention in Ireland. Also presented in abstract form at the NIPC meeting, were the results of the MySlainte virtual cardiac rehab programme and we are planning further events to disseminate these important findings that should help to shape the future roll out of cardiac rehab in our communities.
I was also very pleased that NIPC won the Irish Healthcare Awards Research Paper of the Year for the THIRD YEAR running. This is a wonderful achievement and represents the hard work of the entire NIPC team.
Finally, some dates for your diaries; PG cert Cardiac Rehab application closing date: 17 December 2021; Delivering Evidence Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Course: 9 February 2022; ECG Workshop: 5 February 2022
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