MSc Postgraduate Programmes in Preventive Medicine and Cardiovascular Health Information Evening
Are you thinking of a career in preventive medicine and cardiovascular health? We would like to welcome applicants and prospective applicants to an open information evening on July 6th, 7:00-8:00pm.
Get a unique insight into the NIPC postgraduate programmes in Preventive Medicine and Cardiovascular Health, delivered in partnership with NUI Galway. The suite of courses include MSc in Preventive Cardiology, PG Cert in Cardiac Rehabilitation, MSc Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, MSc Obesity and MSc Diabetes.
This open evening will feature presentations from course directors and an open panel discussion. Come along to meet the faculty and other applicants who will be joining the course in the next academic year. Course directors will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. We hope to see you there!