Prof. J. William McEvoy
NIPC Medical and Research Director, Chair of Executive Council
Dear Alliance Members,
Welcome to the March NIPC E-bulletin. I hope you are all making use of the fine weather and being as active as possible – no excuses! Why not use the brighter evenings and longer days to take part in some our upcoming training and education activities outlined below.
I am also delighted to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2023 NIPC Fellowship programme. I strongly encourage you to consider applying and expanding your professional network by joining a growing and committed group of academic and clinical national and international leaders in cardiovascular disease prevention! The fellowship is in honour of individuals who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the Institute and who have made highly significant contributions to the field of preventive cardiology, either by virtue of their clinical leadership or track record in education, research and/or public policy development.
Below are some dates for your diary:
Cardiac Rehabilitation in Ireland – 12th May
(applications from cardiac rehab practitioners in Ireland only)
Demystifying the ECG workshop – 20th May
Delivering Evidence Based Cardiac Rehabilitation in Practice – 26th July
(open to national & international applications)
Many thanks,
This post is an extract from the monthly NIPC Alliance e-Bulletin.
If you would like to hear about the latest NIPC news and events sign up here.
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